Wednesday, June 11, 2008

horrifying news

an old friend got in touch with me via facebook (thank you brandee barker). had run into him once since CU - i think in 2003 at monty conference. he was in town for biz for nyc and came over for a drink. i originally met him as one of my closest girlfriends in college, kris - her big brother was friends with him (and i briefly dated the big brother). he's not here for 15 minutes when he updates me on big brother. then, drops the bomb that big bro became very religious after kris's deat - WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF? proceeds to tell me she was raped & murdered. i'm in shell-shock still. none of us (her cu friends) know to my knowledge and i have the dream job of telling everyone tomorrow. are you kidding me? i have labored breathing and feel like i need to drink a lot.