Tuesday, July 1, 2008

packing for 3 kids + me

no one bothered to forewarn me when i decided to have kids that it takes basically a couple of day of packing to get ready to go on vacation with 3 kids between me and them. i really don't enjoy packing, so it's a big bummer. additionally, since i'm 4.5 months post-partum and still have 5 lbs to go (which isn't so bad, but my clothes don't all fit right), i have to try most things on before packing them if i'm going to a different climate to see if they look normal. oooohhhhhh - i am dreading it.
we are leaving in 2 days for chappaquiddick for 10 days with 2 nights in boston. i thought i would pack tonight and tomorrow night. after getting upset with my husband twice this week since we have had 1 date night since the baby, he sprung date night on me last minute today. at this point, i knew i shouldn't complain or date night might not roll my way again. especially since i already replaced his restaurant selection.
so, i'll have to try and wedge packing in on my sitter days. something else no one told me: when you have 3 kids, on your sitter days, you normally have 1 kid with you at some point in the day...WHAT? yes, i'm always picking one up, dropping one off, feeding one, or taking them to a swim lesson or birthday party. so, plan on adding another sitter day or half-day if you're having 3+ kids as it is impossible to get anything done. be forewarned.
but, as for the kids, they are well worth it. (it'll just take you 4x as long to wipe out your to-do list.)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

horrifying news

an old friend got in touch with me via facebook (thank you brandee barker). had run into him once since CU - i think in 2003 at monty conference. he was in town for biz for nyc and came over for a drink. i originally met him as one of my closest girlfriends in college, kris - her big brother was friends with him (and i briefly dated the big brother). he's not here for 15 minutes when he updates me on big brother. then, drops the bomb that big bro became very religious after kris's deat - WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF? proceeds to tell me she was raped & murdered. i'm in shell-shock still. none of us (her cu friends) know to my knowledge and i have the dream job of telling everyone tomorrow. are you kidding me? i have labored breathing and feel like i need to drink a lot.

Friday, May 2, 2008

mom & dad visit

i had 1 large glass of cold heaven viognier at A16 last night and i think i'm hung over or it's a complication of allergies. must go to bed immediately.
some progress on weight loss - YEAH!! have 4-7lbs to go.
dinner last night was great.
went to cooleys' for happy hour cinco de mayo party tonight.
watched atonement - very good adaptation of book. hot james mcavoy and he seems so real.
RHS fundraiser tomorrow night. was going to try and go by eliz. charles anniversary sale but should not spend the $$. going to buckeye for lunch tomorrow and alameda flea sunday.
swanky has cold but does fill-in-the-blank lyrics with me on copacabana. LC still full of goofy smiles, coos and pooping once/day. p. is wonderful with the kids/awesome big brother.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

gummy, goofy grins

LC's started in last week with those gummy, goofy shit-eating grins like you are the love of his life - all dreamy-eyed. it's adorable - he must stop whatever he is doing and gaze lovingly at whomever is right there.
another amazing meal at slanted door brunch with the gays followed by nob hill massages.
my allergies are brutalizing me.
spoke to CAJ today for 1st time since they checked into rehab facility. tough.
mom & dad in town later this week.

exhausted - what's new?

Thursday, April 24, 2008

i got a burglar alarm from the cap'n crunch box

post-burglary and waking up bi-weekly thereafter (in my free sleeping moments with a newborn), i told E he HAD to get burglar alarm installed before his next biz trip. a few 2 day trips came and went (one which i texted him at 1am that i thought there was someone in the house) and he must get one before he left for vegas for a 6 day stint. he had 5.5 weeks to arrange for something that wouuld normally take about 10 days. the week before, i inquire.
'yes, it will be done.'
that monday, i inquire.
'yes, it will be done.'
the night before - ditto.
that friday (the day before departure) i get the bad news. when you are not sleeping for 9 weeks and you tie that in to losing sleep due to false 'alarms', you are desperate and over-tired. i am in tears. are you freaking kidding me? do you not care about my sleep? about something i have repeatedly stressed was uber-important to me? to make it worse, the painter tells me that friday to make sure to lock the deck door to my husband's office as someone could access it from the roof from the high scaffolding and he has no idea of how i've been freaking out already. my husband says he'll fix it. praytell, i can't wait to hear. oh, he'll have a filipino man (we have a link to the 'filipino mafia' as we like to call it sleep in the flat downstairs. GREAT IDEA - every time i think i hear someone and i awaken with my heart racing at 1am, 3am, etc, i'll call the filipino man downstairs and wake him up to come check it out. fat chance. i ask him if someone is coming tomorrow to install; he said the earliest they can be there is tuesday. i retreat there's nothing more i can do for now. most of all, i am frustrated. what do i have to do to show him something really means a lot to me and for him to internalize that?
he leaves the next day. monday night at 11.30, i call him to say good night. he's having beers with friends outside of caesar's and it's loud. we speak briefly and i ask when the tech will be there the next day, so i can make sure i am home. JUST GUESS.
that's right. nada. and, when i get upset and tell him this is not a fictitious paranoia, that there were burglars in our house, he hangs up on me and turns off his phone. ARE YOU F'ING KIDDING ME? this is not how it works. i text him that night to plan on not staying at home thursday and i am shocked at how callous and rude he is being when this is a result of his lack of action and concern. for the 1st time in my life, i don't accept his calls for 3 days.
the day before he flies home, i get a voicemail his brother (with no electrical/technical background - but does have bike messenger, chef and most recently, apprentice carpenter on my house) is coming by to install a kit that got fed ex'd here.
as my friend asked, did it come from the cap'n crunch box and is it one of those balloons that goes off when you open the door?

Sunday, April 13, 2008


LC slept through last night after the last feed til 8.30 am!!!! let's hope it's not a false alarm. i am so freakin' tired i can't see straight. more to come later...

Thursday, April 3, 2008

no, this is not 'keeping it together'

people with less and/or no kids than me keep asking 'how i am keeping it so under control'. well, to start with:
a) a baby nurse - and, honestly, i still feel it's really crazy, so ask me in 3 weeks when she's been gone for a week
b) and, to end with, NO this is not 'keeping it together'.

i mean, when i picked my 4.5 year old up from school (please note he was on time - from the days mom brings him- for the first time since i had the baby), i noticed his pants were on backwards. these pants were not merely drawstring pants, but have a fly and pockets, etc. don't i get credit for remembering him? i shouldn't even go there as i'm sure that day will be here soon. day before last the only thing i had eaten until 9.30 that night was the slices of jarlsberg i could carve off the giant-costco-size-cheese-hunk with a chef's knife (is that really safe while breastfeeding?) while nursing and an apple in between P's plastic surgeon appt, preschool dev. committee site visit, and march of dimes committee meeting (which i brought 21 month old to and i've never seen a kid there). oh, and during that meeting, i left my newborn with sick baby nurse and 4.5 yr old parked in front of movie with dinner with strict instructions not to wake baby nurse unless it was an emergency. doesn't really sound like 'keeping it together' more like 'treading water'.

i'm sure as with going from 1 to 2 there is a 'period of adjustment' and i am hoping it all goes into a nice swing rhythm sometime soon. many other people have handled it well, and i know myself capable. once i feel well-rested - when will that be? that will help. and, when i quit breastfeeding, which i'd like to do now, but can't mentally do that as i'd liek to try for 7 mos. since i made it that far with the other boys - or, at least, five...? i seem to remember wanting to quit around this time with swanky and discussing it with mel (who did quit around now or in 4 wks with delainey). it will get easier.

LC pats mable on back while she pats him and moves hand in circular motion when she rubs hers on his back - that's crazy at 7 wks!
swanky's still banging his head on counter when aggravated - scary.and being really cute when he runs away (sort of side to side swagger style) with hands in air when excited. and saying all sorts of new words "house, toast, powell at school" and yelling 'bye bye baby' when we leave. loves to kiss baby and, apparently, hit him with book while LC sleeping in cradle swing & mable there - nice.
p;'s keeping me nervous he'll bust open his stitches again and amazing me with his memory for rather mundane ancient details - we drove up to bubble tea place (which i'm addicted to with lack of sleep/time to eat) and he asked if he could see fake fish aquarium at nail place next door. i thinkt he last time he had seen it was a year and a half ago. ahhhh - the important things in life.
E was at microsoft today - said the meetings were ok. meetings with the big G are much better with integration deal in the works, not as good as purchase as i wanted to live in italia for 2 mos with kids, but maybe next year? he works his ass off and deserves it.
going to big sur for the 1st time in about 3mos due to bebe (and not wanting water birth with nude support team in weeks prior and c-section keeps us out of car after) tomorrow for 5 days. can't wait. not sure what baby nurse will think as a little more rustic than her family's usual vacation digs.